Health Sciences:
Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology

The Health Sciences in Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology Course

Who is this course for:

Students who wish to study Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology, this course/module constitutes the Foundation for any other course either in Health and or Pharmacology courses.

Introductory Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology
6 Months of Study

Dates: 3 weeks of 5 days  (Required to attend 15 Days of AP&P Lectures)
1. Scientific Study Hours:
  100 Hours of Scientific Health Sciences Study (Over 6 months)
2. Classroom Lecture Hours:
  9.5 Units: 95 Hours in 127 Lessons (à 45 min.) (Over 15 Lecture Days)

Text Book:

- A Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology by W. E. Arnould-Taylor

- Course Materials

Course Standard

All courses the school provides are valuable, the dedication, the study, the work of research that has been placed into each and every one of our course materials, either matches or in the majority of cases it outshines any course material from any other school or schools combined, of either association, college or university level. We consider our course to be invaluable, this is: extremely useful and indispensable for the practice which they have been designed.

Course Fees:  £500
Accommodation and Food: £500

Advanced Anatomy & Physiology
6 Months of Study

Dates: 2 weeks of 5 days  (Required to attend 10 Days of AP Lectures) 1. Scientific Study Hours:  100 Hours of Scientific Health Sciences Study (Over 6 months)
2. Classroom Lecture Hours:  6 Units: 60 Hours in 80 Lessons (à 45 min.) (Over 10 Lecture Days)

Course Fees:  £500
Accommodation & Food: £250

Includes 15 days of Classroom Lectures, and all Course Textbooks, Manuals & Reading Course Material and Certificate of Attendance or Diploma (if exam taken)

PD-ADV: Advanced Pathology
6 Months

Dates: 2 weeks of 5 days  (Required to attend 10 Days of PD Lectures) 1. Scientific Study Hours:  100 Hours of Scientific Health Sciences Study (Over 6 months)
2. Classroom Lecture Hours:  6 Units: 60 Hours in 80 Lessons (à 45 min.) (Over 10 Lecture Days)

Text Book:

- Textbook of anatomy and physiology, by Catherine Parker Anthony

- Course Materials

Course Standard

All courses the school provides are valuable, the dedication, the study, the work of research that has been placed into each and every one of our course materials, either matches or in the majority of cases it outshines any course material from any other school or schools combined, of either association, college or university level. We consider our course to be invaluable, this is: extremely useful and indispensable for the practice which they have been designed.

Students who attend all class lectures but do not pass the final exam, and or do not wish to retake the exam will be issued an Award Certificate.

Students who complete and successfully pass their exams will receive a Certificate.

Students who complete and successfully pass their exams in all courses are awarded a Diploma in Health Sciences.

      Human Sciences - Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology

Human Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology of the Body Systems

Definition and Terms

Directional terms
Anatomical regional terms
Body planes

Structural Organisation

The cell
Cell structure
Nervous tissue
Cell diversity
Connective tissue

The Human Body

The Skeleton

Type of Joins
The Spine
The Muscles
Types of muscle

The Cardiovascular system

Arteries and veins
Structure of the heart
Blood circulation

Counter current mechanisms in Physiology

The Respiratory system

Pulmonary physiology, lungs
How breathing works
Gas exchange in the body
How lungs function in health and illness.

The Nervous system

Structure and function of the brain
Organization of the nervous system
Structure of the spinal cord

The senses

Hearing and balance

The Digestive system

Structure of the digestive system
The organs involved and how they work
Mouth and oesophagus
Small intestine
Large intestine
Liver, gallbladder, and pancreas

The Endocrine system

Pituitary gland and hypothalamus
Pineal gland
Thyroid and parathyroid glands
Adrenal glands

The Exocrine system

Lymphatic system

Vessels and nodes
Spleen and thymus

Integumentary system

Diseases and injuries to the human integumentary system

Urinary system

Structure of the kidney
Kidney Physiology


Introductions and Definitions, Classifications and Types of Diseases

Understanding Common Pathology
(diseases and disorders) of the following body systems:

• Skeletal
• Muscular
• Cardiovascular
• Respiratory
• Endocrine
• Skin
• Cells
• Reproductive
• Urinary
• Neurological
• Digestive
• Lymphatic


The digestive system and its disorders
Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Irritable Bowel Disease    (IBD)

Medical Trade Science, Medicine and Man made Diseases

Medical Trade, Medicine Short Falls
Medical Trade Surgery: the good, the bad and the ugly. Needed surgery, needless surgery its complications and dangers
Medical Trade and the Nescience of the cause of Disease: Vast List of Diseases that aren't cured by the Medical Trade.
Cure Versus Profit Equation
The Drug Factor and its consequences on Human Health

Biographical phases in human development

Male reproductive system

Sperm production

Female reproductive system

The menstrual cycle
Role of the breasts
The menopause

Conception and pregnancy

Beginning of pregnancy
How the baby is nourished
The baby’s development
Changes in the mother’s body

The newborn baby

Reflex actions and movements
The heart before and after birth

The growing child

How bones grow and develop
How the skull and brain develop
The growing body
Gaining skills during the first 5 years
Growth Charts

AP&P Module Subjects
Human Physiology General
Human Anatomy General
Dates: 3 weeks of 5 days  (Required to attend 15 Days of AP&P Lectures)

Bahia, Brazil

Course Fees:
Accomodation & Food:
1. Scientific Study Hours:  100 Hours of Scientific Health Sciences Study (Over 6 months)
2. Classroom Lecture Hours:  9.5 Units: 95 Hours in 127 Lessons (à 45 min.) (Over 15 Lecture Days)


AP-ADV  Module Subjects
  Human Physiology
Human Anatomy
Human Histology
Dates: 2 weeks of 5 days  (Required to attend 10 Days of AP Lectures)

Locations: Bahia, Brazil

Course Fees:  £500
Accommodation & Food: £250
1. Scientific Study Hours:  100 Hours of Scientific Health Sciences Study (Over 6 months)
2. Classroom Lecture Hours:  6 Units: 60 Hours in 80 Lessons (à 45 min.) (Over 10 Lecture Days)



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   Principado da Boa Nova
   Bahia, Brasil








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